Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Next Chapter

Hey all,
So I thought deep and hard on this, and I've decided to make a new blog, (Click here to go there). I'm an adult now and I need to think of myself as an adult. I'll keep this open for all you guys to see from one chapter to the next, like a book. I hope to see over there.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello Old friends part 1

Hello old friends, sorry about this LONG time of silence, But I moved, which I was out of a house for two months, as we waited for our Promise house, talk about Promise.... That will be a discusstion for today, but for right now, I'd like to give a update.  Nothing small, like, Birds good, house good.... school starting. I actually want to talk, Not a short little thing. Which I really hate now a days. Now before you decided to get bored and leave, If you could please just read a little bit, scroll down and write a comment, I want to know what you think.

Now, time to move to my birds. Its always wonderful to start off with animals, As it's one of the greatest joys in my life. If I didn't tell you, I got some hatching eggs, for some chickens. May 12th, I recently owned some chickens. 30 some odd. I had a friend watch them and my other birds as I was camping. Anyway, so now their 16 weeks old now, and I can't wait for them to start laying eggs. I've always wanted a broody hen. A broody hen is a hen that lays eggs till they have enough eggs to be a clutch, she sits on them for 21-26 days (depending on the bird). Then if your really lucky, you'll have little baby chicks. I've always wanted one, but never was able to get the to gather that much. So now, Im going to try this time, Im hoping that in the spring, I'd have at least one broody hen, or should I say Pellet. Pellet is a female chicken under a year old, where a hen is a female over a year old.....

So what about my Quail? Peafowl? Whats your other plans with your birds? Well I'll tell ya. I recently butchered some, and now I only have 3 hens left. My plan is the cage them up for the winter and in the summer is to have a outside coop, just for them. I'm going to get more birds off of a friend just outside of Grand Prairie, Alberta. To start a new quail project. Now With my peafowl, they passed away this winter, which  don't really want to talk about. So please respect my wishes and Please don't ask, But I am planning on getting more, very shortly.  Now, with new plans, I plan on adding Ridley's bronze turkeys  to my flock, as well as a rare, and endangered speices of chicken, its called the Hungarian yellow. <= Its click-able. I have huge plans, Which I'll be happy to post more, or chat through email :D

Now for the second shot for this post, the house,  this one is going to be shorter, I'd hate to say it, but its true.... The new house is awesome, Not what my parents ever dreamed about, But my whole family believes its one of Gods promises. We've been way busy with Fences, Hedges, Moving in, cutting grass and riding our horses, for anything like internet yet, but we're going to get it. I promise. Now, I fixed up the chicken coop, I have another chicken coop to fix up, put in a new fence for the runs. We're getting ready to board some horses there shortly, as september comes faster then we think.

And with September, comes school..... which Is the third part of this entry. I graduated this past year by doing homeschooling Trad. which is basically doing what ever my parents wanted me to do. Well since I see college coming out of know where, I've decided to do another year of Homeschooling, but with online classes, which is exacally what Public school kids do, but I get to do it at home :D Its awesome I know. Now talking about College, I've been focus on becoming a Conservation officer, but lately, I'm having second thoughts. It's natural, I want to make sure that what I'm going into spending the money on is worth it. Well, the more I think of it, I think of it is less and less my dream anymore. Which is sad, as the courses I've already signed up for is to become a CO :( And I don't know where to go from there.

Now for our fourth part of this entry, Which You'll have to wait for tomorrow.... as its 1:18am here and Im tired and I work tomorrow..... But to get you interested, I'll be talking about, where I am right now, what Im doing, a few crushes of mine, girls, Manhood, and much much more.....
So please check in and watch, as I work on this multi post series....

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hey all,
Uh, Its been way to long. Well, with the quail projects Im working on, I decided to create a Facebook page for them. I try to update on everything. So here is the link. Just like the page, than updates will be posted on your news feed.

The quail are doing great, the 5 week olds today are huge, I know one of them is male already, the others are hard to tell. The 2 week olds are now fully feathered. Their gettting so big... I wish they could stay the size they hatched at forever. The adults are doing great. I had a problem with a female picking on the others. So she had two days by herself and that straightened her up a bit. The egg production came to a total of 6 eggs this past week, And now back down to 3 eggs.

I was able to pick up some chicken eggs. Their Danish Brown leghorns (DBL), I have 50 eggs in total. I have 43 quail eggs planned to hatch on Friday, another 33 eggs going to hatch on the 7th of May. The chicken eggs plan on hatching on the 12th. I haven't sold alot of eggs recently, dozen here a dozen there. Which helps with the cost of the feed and shavings. I've been working on a new project. Which is Mealworm farming. Updates on all that will be the page.

Thats it for a bit of a entry. Thanks All, Again please click (here) to go to the Facebook page for the quail, and Like it..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Update April 7th

Hey All,
So here is update.

My quail flock has grown. I actually had to butcher a adult quail though, it was sick, poor girl :( Anyway, So Im down to 9 adults. I have 6 Two week olds, and 6 just hatched quail. I have more that are going to hatch within a few days though. Its only day 17. I have many planes for my quail. Pens are actually getting built this week. Wire will be added to it next weekend. I'm trying to find out the colours of the quail I have right now. Its a awesome job to do.

I'm Selling my first few dozen tomorrow. My little quail business is under way. Im a bit happy for that. They might want to buy some every weekend. :) Can't wait to do some business. I have a forms that I found online, that Im going to use to keep track of everything. And all. I'm going to start training the quail. Its something I saw online, which I'll blog more about later.

Cuddlez is being a bit annoying lately. Im not giving him love and care he wants. So I'll have to spend more time with my lovely rooster of mine. Which might mean less time on the computer.

School, is good actually. I wish I could say more. But school is school.

Horses are getting fatter. the grass is finally coming up, which will help them. Their running which is a good sign. Watching them run around with a storm coming in. Awe so Beautiful.

I have more to Blog about.... I know... my pen ideas, and what I have said before... But I have been very busy... Pictures of the quail coming up.... So Please stay tune,
Thanks, and Happy Easter to you!!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson Learnt

Hey all,
This isn't one of the entries that I have promised, but something that I have recently learnt.

I'm a moderator for ACE. If you haven't been there, I encourage you to do so if you raise birds, or any other type of animal. Anyway, I have had two bad things happen with in two weeks of each other. One was about horses, and another was about a comment that I have said. A mess both were. Privet messaging, reports, emails. A Huge mess. but we got it all taken care of and all cleaned up. Although, I do need to have a chat with the head Admin. Anyway, the lesson I learnt was pride.

Pride is a dangerous thing in the world. Can destroy friendship, websites, anything and everything. A few members were in the right, and myself was in the right. As Both of us was in the right, it kept going. But How can two rights solve something? Sometimes, One right has to step down. In which case it was I who had to step down. With an apology publicly. It solved the issue.

But was I in the right? For the Horse thing, Yes, for the comment, Yes and no. But Its all been taken care of.... anyway..... Please check out the site ACE, Check out my website, and have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update 29th

Ah, Its the 29th of February. Look at the mild winter Canada has been having. A few snow falls, Maybe we should get more, what do you think on that???? Now, Since it is the leap year, and the 29th.... Today is my Cousins first birthday, So Happy Birthday Judah! Can't belive your already a big bro, but your brother is older than you.... Weird on leap years have effect on some people.

Now, I'm still working at McDonald's, I'm Enjoying it some days, today was surely not one of those days. But so far I know storefront, drive thru and Im now hosting parties..... WOOT. I'm a party planner already. Ahaha. Now This is my last year of High School, I have Grad june 8th, But I will still do school after. I can't believe 12 years of school, 2 public schooled and 10 years homeschooled. WOW. So what am I planning after High School you might say.... Well I want to go to Lethbridge College to do a Conservation Enforcement course. To become a Conservation officer. Its my plan for a While. But before than, I have a few things to do first. First Save up for college, apply for college, and I might do a few courses back in HS. But Who knows.

Now, I have 11 quail, Im actually happy about it. They've been blessing me with a egg to two a day. Which Is getting saved up to put in the incubator. I have them in a half Cat cage.... which I cool, But I'm going to be building their new home soon. Which I will tell you guys all about in another entry. AHAha.... Now, I have 5 eggs in the bator already, Which will hatch on the 13th, WOOT. I will check for duds closer to the hatch date. Than This saturday, I will be putting a dozen eggs in as well. Which I Hope all hatch, I have a few jumbo eggs in there....

Why Am I raising quail, that Will be also put into another entry, I promise. Horses are great, Looking better after a December weight issue scare, Which I won't go into details..... But Anyway, I'm dogs are great.... and Yah..... Oh and I'm Moving.... Yah, Can you believe it? My friends who read this.... Im up to tell you, Just when I know, k?

My Parents Bought a Quarter section up by Carstairs, A nice little Place. I have to work on A shed for all my birds... YAY... Which is a huge project. I just might buy a kit for it, But I will get into more details in another entry as well.... :/ Lots of Promises :P Now we will be running a Horse stables, Now it won't be up till Late summer to Prob Next year. We will need to work on shelters, Paddocks, and etc. which means my Website will Prob change, so look for changes. Now with the Vlogging, I am working on it. My editing program has acted funky. Anyway, so I am working on it, Oh and I will get some pics and videos of my quail pens when their all done.

Now that I rambled for this long, I believe thats a good spot to leave it, So Promises I have made this: write more about The Quails, write about the sheds, vlogging getting set up, and Changes to my website, thats a maybe. Now, don't forget to view my website, And come back to check my blog again.... Maybe add something different to the mix like a Video and stuff..... So Bookmark it :D

Anyway this is me signing off!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey all,
Its been a while, as I've been busy with work and so on.... My vlog, I haven't even worked on... thats how busy I've been..... I know I know it sucks.... Now, With work, I've been trained as a party host, and Now Im doing a party this saturday On my own, which will be wonderful :) I started a online class this semester, I quite enjoy it. Im doing a student for a day in lethbridge college next week, And Im pumped.... Im really happy about it :) and yah.....

Anything you would like me to talk about, advice anything, Comment down below, thanks

Monday, January 9, 2012

Animal sale (even)

Picture is Click-able to get large

Wednesday, January 4, 2012