Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update 29th

Ah, Its the 29th of February. Look at the mild winter Canada has been having. A few snow falls, Maybe we should get more, what do you think on that???? Now, Since it is the leap year, and the 29th.... Today is my Cousins first birthday, So Happy Birthday Judah! Can't belive your already a big bro, but your brother is older than you.... Weird on leap years have effect on some people.

Now, I'm still working at McDonald's, I'm Enjoying it some days, today was surely not one of those days. But so far I know storefront, drive thru and Im now hosting parties..... WOOT. I'm a party planner already. Ahaha. Now This is my last year of High School, I have Grad june 8th, But I will still do school after. I can't believe 12 years of school, 2 public schooled and 10 years homeschooled. WOW. So what am I planning after High School you might say.... Well I want to go to Lethbridge College to do a Conservation Enforcement course. To become a Conservation officer. Its my plan for a While. But before than, I have a few things to do first. First Save up for college, apply for college, and I might do a few courses back in HS. But Who knows.

Now, I have 11 quail, Im actually happy about it. They've been blessing me with a egg to two a day. Which Is getting saved up to put in the incubator. I have them in a half Cat cage.... which I cool, But I'm going to be building their new home soon. Which I will tell you guys all about in another entry. AHAha.... Now, I have 5 eggs in the bator already, Which will hatch on the 13th, WOOT. I will check for duds closer to the hatch date. Than This saturday, I will be putting a dozen eggs in as well. Which I Hope all hatch, I have a few jumbo eggs in there....

Why Am I raising quail, that Will be also put into another entry, I promise. Horses are great, Looking better after a December weight issue scare, Which I won't go into details..... But Anyway, I'm dogs are great.... and Yah..... Oh and I'm Moving.... Yah, Can you believe it? My friends who read this.... Im up to tell you, Just when I know, k?

My Parents Bought a Quarter section up by Carstairs, A nice little Place. I have to work on A shed for all my birds... YAY... Which is a huge project. I just might buy a kit for it, But I will get into more details in another entry as well.... :/ Lots of Promises :P Now we will be running a Horse stables, Now it won't be up till Late summer to Prob Next year. We will need to work on shelters, Paddocks, and etc. which means my Website will Prob change, so look for changes. Now with the Vlogging, I am working on it. My editing program has acted funky. Anyway, so I am working on it, Oh and I will get some pics and videos of my quail pens when their all done.

Now that I rambled for this long, I believe thats a good spot to leave it, So Promises I have made this: write more about The Quails, write about the sheds, vlogging getting set up, and Changes to my website, thats a maybe. Now, don't forget to view my website, And come back to check my blog again.... Maybe add something different to the mix like a Video and stuff..... So Bookmark it :D

Anyway this is me signing off!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey all,
Its been a while, as I've been busy with work and so on.... My vlog, I haven't even worked on... thats how busy I've been..... I know I know it sucks.... Now, With work, I've been trained as a party host, and Now Im doing a party this saturday On my own, which will be wonderful :) I started a online class this semester, I quite enjoy it. Im doing a student for a day in lethbridge college next week, And Im pumped.... Im really happy about it :) and yah.....

Anything you would like me to talk about, advice anything, Comment down below, thanks