What a lovely bird. Wouldn't you say? Nice color, Shape, Quails in General are nice to the eye. Wouldn't you say so?
I have been working on a Project this past week to two. On Raising quail. I know Raising Horses, peafowl, dogs and my own life, not to mention my own family? Why do this to yourself? Well One easy simple answer. They are easy to raise.
Easy to raise. They need a sq. foot per bird. Not to bad, 1x1 box, Easy simple done. The wire you can use 1/4" wire or hardwood cloth. One rooster to ever 3-4 hens. They come in different colors. Like White, Tuxedo, Pharaoh, ext.
The Hen lays a egg every day (If provided light thru the winter time). The Hen Calls for a Male, The Male calls for a female. Once they mate, The rooster Crows to let the world know he did his deed.
Im planing on building this:

I will be getting either Hatching eggs from a Friend in BC, a Friend near Olds or a few Chicks/adults from a friend around Calgary. I have no idea on what colors I will be getting. But I will enjoy them either way
Good to know. Thanks.